I have one more image for Epiphany


Thanks for visiting my Advent Calendar! I hope this site was (and still is) a blessing and great fun for you and your family and friends. Thanks for sharing the link to the site and spreading the word about my work. I posted here every night, or by noon, for a daily walk through this wonderful season with a new vision and perspective on the Advent/Christmas/Epiphany stories.

By the grace of God I completed 26 images.  The Calendar has been successful in a number of ways and hopefully will become a yearly tradition and offering with new pieces and old links to this 2013 Calendar with images.

Jack Anglin
January 6th, 2014

Jack Anglin loves the Advent/Christmas/Epiphany seasons, but not as most people would expect --not for the usual reasons. With art as an emphasis or as a way to preach, teach, to explain and present the stories in ever more powerful ways, Jack touches on just about every theme from the birth narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.

Over the month you saw nocturnes, landscapes, and portraits in an array of styles and techniques. I think it was a fun endeavor for all, and one that has been very meaningful to me.  --Jack

Main Images will be displayed at 
THE ART WORKS Gallery in Norfolk  
321 West Bute Street 23510
757 625+3004 

Jack completed 25 images and has a few more to add and post before Epiphany but will stop here with the daily posts.  It has been successful in a number of ways and will be a yearly tradition and offering. 

If you are just looking in you might think of it as an Old Christmas opportunity. After most people have put the Holy Day far behind them, there might be just one thing left to learn and share.  Maybe the whole collection will continue to be an inspiring show of art related to the Christmas and Epiphany seasons.