Annunciation Sketch
for December 12, 2013

5" x 7" pencil on Strathmore, available to frame

Sometimes a sketch is all that is necessary to convey a simple idea. For relating a feeling tone or mood a quick sketch or drawing is even more useful in that it allows the viewer to read a great deal into the picture. 

Drawings are great ways to work out the details --for the consideration of angles, lighting, perspective, scale, etc.  Many drawings permit the concept to expand in different directions and take flight in the artist's imagination.

Movie makers work out the details for shots through storyboards with thousands of drawings that communicate lighting, color schemes, costumes and sets, so that others working on the movie can get on board and eventually everyone will come together to create the desired physical reality required to make the movie.  What a nightmare!  

My sketch above helps me to work out the possibility of a new larger finished painting, but hopefully it also allows you as the viewer to imagine aspects of the story in your head, and perhaps I have been able to provide new material or angles for your consideration.

The truth is, we all have a play or drama --a movie playing out in our lives.  We produce this movie, we direct it and act it out.  It is our movie and funded by the grace of God, who ultimately dreams big dreams for us and the others living with us here on this beautiful day. 

As we affect each other's drama, it is my good pleasure to do these storyboards and little vignette scripts which may assist us all in the acting out of one more big remake of Advent and Christmas.   
--Pastor Jack